Distribution and effects of smoking in the local population of district swat

Amir Said 1, *, Zaib Ullah 2 and Sadam Hussain 3

1 Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, 54590 Lahore, Pakistan.
2 Department of Zoology, Hazara University Sub Campus Battagram, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
3 Centre for Animal Sciences & Fisheries, University of Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Research Article
Global Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 01(01), 025–030.
Article DOI: 10.58175/gjarr.2022.1.1.0022
Publication history: 
Received on 12 August 2022; revised on 21 September 2022; accepted on 25 September 2022
Smoking is one of the major health problems all over the world; it’s the inhalation of tobacco stuff. The present study was conducted in various localities of district Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted for the collection of data; it’s composed of various questions. A total of 91 respondents were interviewed along different parameters associated with smoking. The ratio of the smoker was high among the age group 21-30 years with a 45.1% rate of smoking followed by 31-40 years (18.7%). The rate of smoking depends upon different occupations, among all the Occupations, Shopkeepers have a very high rate of smoking (28.6%) followed by students (19.8%), and Labours (15.4%). It is indicated that jobless peoples have no money that is why the rate of smoking is very low 6.6%. Concerning smoking-associated disease, 62.6% of respondents were normal and have no lung diseases. Fast breathing was high (16.48%) among the local community followed by Bronchitis (7.7%). Education is one of the key factors related to smoking, the highest rate of smoking was recorded from Illiterate (23.07%), followed Matriculates (teenagers) (17.58%). Smoking duration is one of the key factors, 1 to 10 years duration of smoking is very high (62.63%) followed by age group 11-20 years (19.78%). Smoking affects normal activities of life and also resulted in deaths in different countries. Similarly, fast breathing was recorded as the major health problem while there is no evidence of cancer reported.
Smoking distribution; Effects; Local Population; Swat
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