Gene regulatory network models for modules of molecular mechanism of the control of the photo-morphogenesis in plants

Desta Lamore *

Department of Biotechnology, Wachemo University, Hossana, Ethiopia.
Global Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 01(01), 008–018.
Article DOI: 10.58175/gjarr.2022.1.1.0024
Publication history: 
Received on 21 August 2022; revised on 28 September 2022; accepted on 03 October 2022
Plants are dynamic systems able to continuously adapt to changing environmental conditions, showing a remarkable phenotypic plasticity as from transition from germination to vegetative growth then to reproductive development. In this review, effect of light, molecular mechanisms photo-morphogenesis and gene regulatory networks were reviewed. This review provides insight into regulatory mechanisms for phytochrome-mediated light signaling pathway; and the roles of phytochromes and their downstream signaling components, molecular mechanisms light-perceiving photoreceptors and other positive and negative regulators of light signaling as well as interactions between these components during plant growth and development. Light is one of the most important factors regulating plant growth and development (photo-morphogenesis). Photomorphogenesis and skotomorphogenesis are two key events that control plant development, from seed germination to flowering and senescence. A group of wavelength-specific photoreceptors, E3 ubiquitin ligases, and various transcription factors work together to regulate these two critical processes. Phytochromes are the main photoreceptors in plants for perceiving red/far-red light and transducing the light signals to downstream factors that regulate the gene expression network for photomorphogenic development.
Photomorphogenesis; Skotomorphogensis; Molecular mechanism and phytochromes
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