Utilization status and associated factors of hand washing facility in food and drinking establishments in Nekemte town, Oromia, Ethipia,2021

Katama Wakuma Yadata *, Elias Merdassa Roro and Zelalem Desalegn Waktole

Department of public Health, Institute of health Science, Nekemte, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Research Article
Global Journal of Research in Medicine and Dentistry, 2022, 01(01), 031–044.
Article DOI: 10.58175/gjrmd.2022.1.1.0026
Publication history: 
Received on 09 September 2022; revised on 15 October 2022; accepted on 18 October 2022
Background – Hand washing, also known as hand hygiene, is the act of cleaning one's hands with soap and water to remove viruses/bacteria/microorganisms, dirt, grease, or other harmful and unwanted substances stuck to the hands.
Objectives- To assess the utilization status and associated factors of hand washing facility in food and drinking establishments in Nekemte town, Ethiopia, 2021
Methods- a Cross-sectional study design was conducted in January 1 -14, 2021. Sample size was determined by using single population proportion formula. Data were collected from 277 food handlers of food and drinking establishments by using systematic random sampling and stratified sampling technique to get samples from different establishments. Quantitative data collection tools including interview questionnaires, observation check lists were used to collect a data to assess the utilization status of hand washing facility in food and drinking establishments which are found in Nekemte town. Descriptive analysis like percentage was done for each variable. For statistical significance crude odds ratio (COR) with 95% CI was estimated for each independent variable against the dependent variable. Candidate Variables having a significant association in COR and variables that were considered as important predictors having a p-value less than 0.25 were selected for multiple logistic regression. Finally, Significance level was declared at P-value < 0.05 to identify significant variable.
Results: The availability of hand washing facility is 93.9%. 78% of the facility had washing with soap where 22% has no soap. Proper utilization of status of hand washing facility in food and drinking establishments in Νekemte is 53.4% In the multivariate regression model, availability of regular inspection (AOR =6.610; 95%CI: 1.892, 23.087) at P value 0.003. Educational status (AOR= 6.107; 95% CI: 1.735, 21.495) at p value 0.005 Concerning availability of hand washing facility adjacent latrine (AOR =9.2287; 95% CI: 3.291, 26.209) at p value 0.00. Those who always wash their (AOR=3.903; 95% CI: 1.499, 10.16) at P value 0.005.
Conclusion and Recommendations: This study reveal that availability of hand washing facility in food and drinking establishments in Νekemte town is good where type hand washing basin need improvements to fixed type which were movable. Availability of soap is also good whereas use of soap is less and need improvement. Generally proper utilization of hand washing facility in food and drinking establishments in Νekemte town is medium which need great improvements and should be emphasized by concerned bodies and establishments’ owners as well as by consumers
Utilization status; Hand washing; Hand hygiene; Food and drinking establishments
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