An alternative cost effective method for diminishing contamination severity associated with plant cell and tissue culture

Allah Jurio Khaskheli 1, *, Muharam Ali 1, Shahla Baloch 1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskehli 2, Muhammad Rafique Rind 1 and Li Zhang 3

1 Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam-70060, Pakistan.
2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Crop Protection, Sindh Agriculture University TandoJam-70060, Pakistan.
3 Institute of Cell Biology and Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Cell Activities and Stress Adaptations, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China.
Research Article
Global Journal of Research in Science and Technology, 2022, 01(01), 010–021.
Article DOI: 10.58175/gjrst.2022.1.1.0012
Publication history: 
Received on 14 August 2022; revised on 20 September 2022; accepted on 23 September 2022
Contamination is one of the serious and major issues faced during the process of tissue culturing of any plants. Normally, in order to remediate and shorten the contamination problem; different percentage (%) of Sodium Hypochloride, common bleach and quantity of ethanol have been frequently utilized for surface sterilization to mitigate microbial contamination during tissue culture procedures. But in-spite of the use of these chemicals and its significant effect in remediating the contamination cruelty; the cost lead to the scientists are also focusing. The aimed of the present study was to find out an alternative safer and cost effective method for remediating contamination severity associated with tissue culture related aspects. Whereas, in present study we had cultured different crop species on different composition of nutrient medium as well applied various techniques of surface sterilization, and tested the plant viability through plant regenerations ability, performance under different concentrations, comparative analysis, gene expressions, sustain of chlorophyll content, ion membrane leakage, photochemical efficacy and microscopic analysis. However, it was interestingly noticed that through using sterilized surgical cotton instead of preparing media with solidifying agar; the results showed surprisingly innovative observation and showed almost zero contamination.


Contamination; Sodium Hypochloride; Sterilization; Surgical Cotton; Tissue Culture
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